"For us the first time we saw PIMA Group was like seeing a Rothko for the first time or hearing Feldman for the first time. It changes you forever and from that moment on you have a different expectations. PIMA Group so clearly defies categorization – it’s not dance, its not theater, its not music, and yet its all of these things. Every piece they make is completely unique, so peculiar to the moment and space when it’s performed." - Dustin Hurt, Bowerbird
"Melisa Putz demonstrated through her new work [Bird with the Broken Wings] that she is one of the most lyrically expressive dancers on the Philadelphia scene today." Jonathan Stein, thINKing DANCE
"While too many dance and music groups seem to excel at one discipline over the other, PIMA brings an unusual focus to not just both but to their union, to using music to teach us something about movement and to using movement to teach us something about music." - Philadelphia Sound Forum